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If you have reached this website by accident or are wondering its purpose read on.  This site provides a central location of geneology information for the Schmeiser Family that settled in Louisa County IA.  Emanual and Christena (Weymeyer) Schmeiser were married on February 19, 1902 and lived on a farm (picture on homepage) just west of Wapello, IA.  They had six children:  Agnes, Mabel, Martin, Mary, Josephine, and Maurice. 

Those six kids and now their families have held reunions every two years in an effort to remain in touch with one another.  These have been especially meaningful since there is great distance separating the families.  Agnes settled in Iowa City IA.  Mabel in Los Angeles.  Martin in Carroll IA.   Mary in Spokane WA.  Josephine in State College PA.  Maurice had a successful farming career on the home farm until his death in 2008.

Back in the 1980's, Jerry (son of Martin) spent many hours collecting information and creating a database to organize it.  More recently, Craig (son of Maurice) entered the information in a geneology program called Family Tree Maker for Windows (Version 9).  The data file is GEDCOM compliant and is available upon written request.  The file traces all the way back to Germany in 1757 where the trail picks up with Barbara Menger (who unfortunately met her demise by being struck and killed by lightening in 1828).

Comments, corrections and suggestions are always welcome.   If you have information to add or have corrections, please send them to (Craig Schmeiser, Cedar Falls IA).